First Blog Milestone
It's now nearly six months since this blog got started, and in that time it has grown beyond my expectations. We're now getting nearly 500 hits a week, from over 30 countries worldwide. Since we've now reached this milestone, it strikes me that this is a good time to get some feedback on ways that the blog can be improved. Any thoughts/suggestions, then either post them as a comment or, if you prefer, e-mail me directly here.
At 4:24 PM,
marcelo said…
Perhaps you can put an RSS link in the blog. It is another possibility for readers' choice.
Excellent site! Congratulations.
Marcelo Stein
(from Brazil)
At 9:57 AM,
Duncan Pritchard said…
Many thanks for this Marcelo. I'll look into how to do this (like many academics, I know next to nothing about computers, and so I'm just picking this up as I go along).
I'm glad you like the site!
At 1:58 PM,
Duncan Pritchard said…
Update: Further to my last post, I have now added an RSS link, which can be found on the side-bar (or at least will be, once E-Blogger let me republish the site).
At 10:43 AM,
Duncan Pritchard said…
Thanks Berit! You're right that it would be good to get some discussions going--I'm hoping that this sort of thing will happen organicallly as time goes on. (Of course, it would be ideal if I were like Kvanvig/Weatherson/etc., and had several good ideas each day that I could post--alas, I'm not!).
At 6:46 PM,
Aidan said…
Hi Duncan,
I only found my way here recently, but it seems like a really useful resource. I too would like to see some discussion, but I know from the Arche blog just how difficult it can be to get the requisite momentum for that going on a group blog (it brings home just how well Certain Doubts works).
At 10:51 AM,
Duncan Pritchard said…
Thanks Aidan!
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