Lehrer Conference in Brazil
Claudio de Almeida has just sent me the schedule for the Lehrer conference in Brazil that he's organsing for this summer, which has a first-rate line-up I think. Here it is:
Wednesday, June 27:
Morning (9 o'clock):
Speaker: Jonathan Kvanvig
Commentators: Anthony Brueckner (U of California, Santa Barbara), Sarah Sawyer (U of Sussex, UK), Marian David (U of Notre Dame)
Speaker: Michael Williams
Commentators: Ted Poston (U of South Alabama), Pascal Engel (U of Geneva, Switzerland, confirmation expected soon), Duncan Pritchard (U of Stirling, UK)
Thursday, June 28:
Speaker: Carl Ginet
Commentators: Stephen Hetherington (U of New South Wales, Australia), Juan Comesaña (U of Wisconsin), Roberto Pich (PUCRS, Brazil)
Speaker: Risto Hilpinen
Commentators: Adam Morton (U of Alberta, U of British Columbia, Canada), Otavio Bueno (U of Miami), Erik Olsson (Lund U, Sweden)
Friday, June 29:
Speaker: Fred Dretske
Commentators: Fred Adams (U of Delaware), Sherrilyn Roush (U of California, Berkeley), Mylan Engel, Jr. (Northern Illinois U)
Speakers: John Pollock, Saul Kripke (unconfirmed) and Keith Lehrer.
Wednesday, June 27:
Morning (9 o'clock):
Speaker: Jonathan Kvanvig
Commentators: Anthony Brueckner (U of California, Santa Barbara), Sarah Sawyer (U of Sussex, UK), Marian David (U of Notre Dame)
Speaker: Michael Williams
Commentators: Ted Poston (U of South Alabama), Pascal Engel (U of Geneva, Switzerland, confirmation expected soon), Duncan Pritchard (U of Stirling, UK)
Thursday, June 28:
Speaker: Carl Ginet
Commentators: Stephen Hetherington (U of New South Wales, Australia), Juan Comesaña (U of Wisconsin), Roberto Pich (PUCRS, Brazil)
Speaker: Risto Hilpinen
Commentators: Adam Morton (U of Alberta, U of British Columbia, Canada), Otavio Bueno (U of Miami), Erik Olsson (Lund U, Sweden)
Friday, June 29:
Speaker: Fred Dretske
Commentators: Fred Adams (U of Delaware), Sherrilyn Roush (U of California, Berkeley), Mylan Engel, Jr. (Northern Illinois U)
Speakers: John Pollock, Saul Kripke (unconfirmed) and Keith Lehrer.
At 4:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, Duncan,
Let me put the icing on the cake. On June 26, at 2pm, John N. Williams (Singapore Management U) will get us warmed up with a talk on "Why there is no Moore's paradox of desire".
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